Personal Insurance Solutions in Maine

You work hard to create meaningful assets and provide a lifestyle for your family. Personal insurance can help protect those assets when things go wrong and provide protection in the event of your passing. Let our insurance experts review and determine what coverage and plans are appropriate for you and your family. Below are some of our most popular:

Home Insurance

Your home is a huge investment, protect it. With home insurance you can protect your home and your possessions. You’ve worked hard for what you have, it’s important to have the right protection. There are many options of what home insurance can cover on your property. We can help you make sure that everything will be taken care of. Contact us today to see how we can protect one of your biggest investments.

Umbrella Insurance

The primary function of umbrella insurance is to protect you from the liability of lawsuits. With most liability insurance policies like auto, there is a maximum amount of per accident coverage usually from $300,000 to $500,000. However, lawsuit damages can reach in the millions of dollars. Umbrella policy coverage can help protect your other financial assets and protect from being sued for damage that other policies don’t cover.

Motorcycle Insurance

Specific coverage designed for motorcycles, scooters, trikes, mopeds, all-terrain vehicles and dirtbikes. Our coverage can protect the driver and passengers for both tandem wheels and, if applicable, an attached sidecar.

Second Home

Summer home, weekend getaway or vacation retreat it is just as important to protect this home. This type of home if sitting unattended for long periods of time may not receive the same level of care as your primary dwelling. The right insurance requires thought and planning.

Landlord / Rental Property Insurance

Landlords and rental properties have unique insurance needs. A landlord policy can list simple perils or a broad "all" perils for loss. Understanding what your homeowner's policy covers vs a landlord policy can be complex and requires a qualified insurance professional to help you navigate these challenging issues.